A big thank-you !

We would like to warmly thank everyone involved in setting up the SEA Plastics expeditions. Thank you for believing in our project!
A big thank you to all those who allowed the implementation of our scientific project . Thank you for helping us to target our issues, thank you for the suggestions, recommendations and discussions around the consistency of the project and finally thank you for your support.
We particularly thank Mr. Florian Breider , head of the CEL Laboratory at EPFL, for his support throughout the project: from design to shipment monitoring, to analyses.
Thank you to all the little hands who helped us with the prototypes and the tinkering… The result we are getting on board is the combination of imagination, patience and energy of many people! Thanks to Francine Frenoy , Pierre Chretien , Antoine , Isolde , Raphaël , Baptiste , Mathieu._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Thank you to all those who helped us with prototypes and industrialization: discussions, ideas, tests! Thanks to Vincent and Anne Planat , Michel Berger , Isabelle Texier-Nogues , to the SKIL labmanagers and to Mr. Crot . Your availability and your constructive feedback have allowed us to embark experiments on board!
Finally, thank you to all those who provided us with machines and who trained us to use them: the ATMX with Mr Despont & Mr Ruschetta and Pierre Rossi . These means allowed us to effectively build the experiments, with tight deadlines!
Thanks to Mercator Océan for its MyOceanPro software and to Véronique Landes for the associated training. This tool for visualizing marine physical and biological parameters allows us to characterize the water brought into contact with our microplastics!
Thank you to the Geneva association Oceaneye and in particular to Pascal Hagmann , Laurianne Trimoulla and Laurent Cecere with whom we had good contacts for the organization. We are happy to participate in this collaborative sampling effort!
Thank you to the Lausanne organization Swiss Cetacean Society and especially to Mr. Bourcoud for the loan of the manta net essential for the samples for Oceaneye. Your help is precious to us to participate in the protection of the oceans!
Thanks to CNES and Estelle Raynal for the loan of the Boopy, MAR YR and Hypathia buoys. We are very happy to be able to combine our awareness-raising efforts with the Argonautica educational project, for a better understanding of our oceans by everyone!
Thank you to the ports of call which welcome us free of charge in 2022. Some also support us in setting up the awareness program, by providing us with stands and conference rooms or by broadcasting the events on their networks.

We particularly thank:
The port of Cartagena - @yachtportcartagena
The port of Alicante - @marine_deportiva_alicante
The port of Ibiza - @marinaibizaport
The port of Cala Figuera
Port of Mataró - @portdemataro
Port Roses - @portroses
The old port of Marseille
Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône - @nautismed13
The port of La Grande-Motte
The port of Cap d'Agde - @portducapdagde
The port of Gruissan - @port_de_plaisance_de_gruissan

A big thank you to all the donors of the crowdfunding platform ! Even the smallest contributions allow us to do great things.
Thanks to Florence F., Laurent C., Isabelle L., Véronique G., Sabine B., at Liberté Living Lab, Jean L., Caroline, Anna, Mathilde.
Thank you to all the members of previous expeditions who help us daily, advise and support us. Through their contacts and their experience, they guide our decisions.

The SEA Plastics family is Simon, Aymeric, Lucie, Frédéric, Quiterie, Julie, Cléa, Cosme, Elora, Benjamin, Dimitri, Loraine, Hélène, Irène, Manon... We intend to expand it further!

A big thank you to Caroline Gaiffe Figerod , illustrator of the stories of Isa the seagull, for all her advice, for her time and for her talent!