Logbook of the crew 2019

raising awareness in the yachting world
When Frédéric had contacted the harbor master's office of Genoa, he had received a positive response for a free reception in exchange for the crew's participation in the SeaYou event at Marina Genova. SeaYou is an international yacht sales and presentation event which took place on 12 and 13 April.
We of course accepted even if it meant working on a presentation in English. Our three brains were in turmoil to produce a presentation that could interest future boat buyers. On the advice of Martina and Valentina from Marina Genova, we have opted for the various solutions that can be implemented on board in order to limit plastic pollution on board and harmful discharges into the sea. It is important to note that yachts have their own sewage treatment plants on board, and not all that is used is returned directly to the sea.
Our presentation lasted 10 minutes, which included the screening of the animated film made for the 2019 expedition. We listened to the interventions of naval architects, energy-efficient yacht builders and other actors for a more respectful yachting the environment. Very interesting ! It was also a time when we were able to meet people working at the Genoa Aquarium.