Logbook of the crew 2019

When we arrived in Monaco, we met old Monegasques. Boasting of our meeting with the prince during the BeMed presentation, they challenged us to invite SAS on board the boat, the latter being able to accept. We decided to take up the challenge.
In one minute of presentation, we had to present our project and invite him to come aboard the boat... one minute is not enough and the challenge is great, especially when your legs are shaking when you speak in front of a man. of his posture. After proposing to him, he came to ask us during the official photo up when we were on the boat.
In the afternoon, we received on the boat some of the people participating in the event BeMed. We then received a call from the prince's palace asking us again for our availability... Is the prince really going to come??

During the week, we received a call from the Lieutenant Colonel of Monaco telling us that SAS wanted to come on the boat on Saturday! We are overwhelmed with excitement!
Our day on Saturday remains very ordinary, however, with the task of flocking the boat!

Around 5 p.m., the Lieutenant Colonel and a security officer come on board to ensure that everything is ready for the arrival of HSH the Prince. The latter arrives at 5:30 p.m., alone and with ease. We welcome him on board, explain the project to him and show him our scientific equipment. To continue this unique moment, we offer him a drink in the boat, which he accepts! So we have an aperitif discussing the project, Formula 1, Monaco and the boat. He will stay 1 hour on our little boat and we will keep this memory engraved forever in our heads! Thank you Monsignor!