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La plastica in numeri di SEA Plastics
1SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] UNEP Year Book 2014 : Emerging issues in our global environment. [3] Thevenon, F., Carroll C., Sousa J. (editors), 2014. Plastic Debris in the Ocean: The Characterization of Marine Plastics and their Environmental Impacts, | 2SOURCES [1] UNEP Year Book 2014 : Emerging issues in our global environment. [2] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [3] J. R. Jambeck et al., 2015. Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean. Science n°347. p. 768 - 771. [4] FAO, 2016. La situation mondiale des p êches et de l'aquaculture, 2016. Contribuer à la santé alimentaire et à la nutrition de tous. Rome, 224 pages. | 3SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] ADEME, 2016. Déchets, chiffres clef, édition 2016. Economie circulaire, faits et chiffres. Ademe Editions, France. 96 p. [3] | 4SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics.…/EllenMacArthurFo… [2] UNEP Year Book 2014 : Emerging issues in our global environment. [3] [4] COTREP - Comité Technique pour le Recyclage des Emballages Plastiques |
5SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] Expédition 7ème continent, 2014. Les familles de plastiques et leurs usages. [3] PAPREC Group. Comprendre le recyclage - La classification des matières premières. | 6SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] PAPREC Group. Fabrication du plastique : l'extraction des matières premières. | 7SOURCES [1] SIEDMTO - Durée de vie des déchets. [2] R. Jönsson, 2014. Microplastics in the oceanix ecosystems. How do microplastics currently affect oceanic organisms; and what are the implications for future effects ?. Göteborg Universitet, 30 p. [3] FAO, Produits halieutiques et aquacoles. | 9SOURCES [1] SIEDMTO - Durée de vie des déchets.…/duree-de-vie-des-dechets/ [2] Commission européenne, 2017. Magazine de l'environnement pour les européens - La fin des sacs plastiques. [3] Ocean Concervancy. International Coastal Cleanup, Clean Up Reports. |
8SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics.…/EllenMacArthurFo… [2] [3] | 10SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] | 11SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] Sherri A. Manson et al. 2018. Synthetic polymer contamination in Bottled Water. Front Chem 6:407. [3] Shymanski et al. 2017. Alalysis of microplastics in water by micro-Raman spectroscopy : Release of plastic particles from diffrent packaging into mineral water. Water Research n°129. p. 154 -162. | 12SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] Juliave A. Iva do Sul, 2014. The present and future of microplastic pollution in the marine environment. Environmental Pollution n°185. p.352 - 364. [3] Güven et al. 2017. Microplastic litter composition of the Mediterranean Sea, and it's occurence in the gastrointestinal track of fish. Environmental Pollution n°223. p. 286 - 294. |
13SOURCES [1] World Economic Forum, Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation and Mac Kinsey & Company, 2016. The new plastics economy - Rethinking the future of plastics. [2] CNRS - Courants océaniques dans l'Atlantique Nord [3] | 14SOURCES [1] Kosuke Tanaka et al. 2013. Assumulation of plastic-derived chemicals in tissues of seabirds ingesting marine plastics. Marine Pollution Bulletin n°69. p.219 - 222. [2] Peter G. Ryan. 1987. The incidence and characteristics of plastic particules ingested by seabirds. Marine Environmental Research n°23. p. 175 - 206. | 15SOURCES [1] The IUCN of Threatened Species - [2] Sarah E. Nehlms et al. 2015. Plastic and marine turtles : a review and call for research. ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 73, Issue 2, Pages 165–181 [3] CESTMed [4] Association Oulanga Na Nyamba |
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